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AC Repair: What to Do When Your Thermostat is Blank

One of the more common AC repair calls we get is, “My thermostat is blank.” Below, we provide information about how this happens, why it happens, and what you can do to remedy the issue before calling Green Cooling Solutions.

Dead Batteries

One common reason for a blank thermostat display is dead batteries. Not all thermostats have batteries, as some are hardwired. It's worth removing the thermostat from the wall to inspect the backside for batteries. If your thermostat has batteries, they’re usually two AA batteries. Try replacing them to see if the display returns.

Drain Issue

Another cause for a blank thermostat is a clogged air conditioner drain line. When the drain line is clogged, water cannot leave the indoor unit and backs up into what is called a “float switch.” When water accumulates in the float switch, the float rises to the top and interrupts power to the thermostat display, resulting in a blank display. If this happens, you can call Green Cooling Solutions at 941-378-2080, and we will be happy to walk you through resolving this issue over the phone.

Blown Fuse or Thermostat Defect

A blown fuse in the indoor unit can also cause the display to go blank. Replacing this fuse should be left to a professional due to its location and proximity to high-voltage electrical current. Additionally, the reason for the fuse failure should be determined.

The last and least likely cause for a blank display is the actual thermostat display failing. This scenario is rare and should be your last course of action. Many homeowners have replaced their thermostat only to find the display still blank. Please call us for help if you encounter this issue, and we will be glad to assist you in resolving it.


If your thermostat goes blank, it’s often due to simple issues like dead batteries or a clogged drain line. By checking these common problems, you might save yourself a service call. However, if the issue persists, don’t hesitate to contact Green Cooling Solutions at 941-378-2080. We’re here to help!