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Are My Ducts Leaking? Here's How to Find Out and Fix Them

Ductwork attached to your central AC system is essential for delivering both energy efficiency and clean air to your home. When your ductwork is leaking, you are not only wasting energy but also allowing contaminants to enter your home. These contaminants can include dust, pollen, fiberglass (from attic insulation), and a host of other irritants.

How to Determine if You Have Duct Leakage

Determining if you have duct leakage and quantifying the amount of air leaking cannot be done by simply looking at the duct system and feeling around. The best way to determine if you have duct leakage is to have a "duct blasting" or duct leakage test performed. This test pressurizes your duct system and uses a calibrated fan and manometer to measure the exact amount of air leakage. Once you have this number, it can be equated to a percentage of air loss. At Green Cooling Solutions, we typically find the average duct system leaking between 15% and 20%, though we have seen some as high as 45%!

We Know We Have Leaks, Now What?

Once we know what percentage of duct leakage you have, we can determine how to seal it. Sometimes a "manual duct seal" with a brush and some duct sealant is all that is needed. Other times, an Aeroseal makes the most sense. To read more about our Aeroseal process, visit here: Aeroseal Process.

If you are interested in having your duct system tested for leakage, call our office at 941-378-2080. Mention this blog and receive a duct leakage test for just $99.00 (normally $199.00).


Ensuring your ductwork is properly sealed is crucial for maintaining energy efficiency and indoor air quality. Don't let leaky ducts compromise your comfort and health. Contact Green Cooling Solutions today for a professional duct leakage test and start saving on energy costs while breathing cleaner air.